Online Center
Volunteers Needed

Do you have a few hours a week you could spend volunteering for the FOLK Online Center? Volunteer work can be done at home or at the FOLK Online Center located on Northpark.  Fun and training is provided.

The Online Center helps raise funds for the Kingwood Branch Library by selling products on an Amazon Storefront found here.

Complete the FOLK Online Center Volunteer Form and a FOLK volunteer will contact you.  For any questions, go to the “Contact Us” page and choose “Online Store” from the drop down menu.

FOLK Online Center Volunteer Form

    Position(s) Interested in: *

    Position Descriptions:
    Inventory Control - This position ensures the quantity of books and media is available and priced to sell. This work is done at the Northpark Center.

    Lister - This position requires some computer knowledge. This position can be done from home, but does require picking up and bringing back books to the Center on Northpark once listed.

    Shipper - This position has the volunteer pulling books that have sold, packing them and mailing to the customers. Requires basic Microsoft Windows computer skills.

    Are you a FOLK member? *

    [group OnlineCenterVolunteer_FOLKYesNo]
    Are you interested in being a FOLK member?



    Please Note: Some corporations provide volunteer grants after an employee, retiree, or family member volunteers a set number of hours with a non-profit organization. Don’t miss out on this opportunity simply because you are unaware of a company’s matching gift program. If they do participate in a program like this, then be sure to fill out the necessary paperwork and designate Friends of the Library-Kingwood as the non-profit organization. Your volunteer leader will be able to help with any information you may need about FOLK to complete the form. Check it out!