Friends of the Library Kingwood


2023 Volunteer Luncheon

Friends of the Library Kingwood (FOLK)  Volunteer Luncheon

The Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon was held Friday, March 3, 2023 at the Kingwood Community Center. All Library and FOLK volunteers were invited to attend. The event is hosted by FOLK and had 80 people in attendance.  The Library and FOLK are thankful for all the volunteers who are dedicated to serving our community. The FOLK Board President, Karen Buchler opened the event saying “thank you  everyone for your volunteering whether a new volunteer or longtime volunteer. FOLK appreciates all of you.”  The staff created the lovely centerpieces that were given away at the end of the luncheon. Karen announced that FOLK is the recipient of a Kingwood Women’s Club grant for $1200 that will purchase Read Along Books for the Children’s Library.

Thanks again for all you do to support our incredible Kingwood Library!

If you are interested in volunteering for FOLK, see the FOLK website and the volunteer page.  Also, See more photos of the luncheon on our website!

Then Ryan Fennell , Library Directory thanked all the volunteers.  He told us “We have saved approximately $600,000 by not having to pay people to do what all of you do for the library!” He spoke about having 700 programs, 14,300 participants, 300 ESL classes, and our amazing Makerspace room!  

Next, FOLK Treasurer Roger Whitney spoke about the finances of FOLK. This fiscal year (about 11 months), we have had combined sales of $71,500!  That averages about $6,500 a month!   All of this, of course, goes to support our library. 

Roger and Karen presented Ryan with a check for $25,000 to purchase eBooks for the Harris County Library System.

The attendees enjoyed a lunch from Chelsea’s Deli of Kingwood. The staff of the Library continued their show of appreciation by serving all of the volunteers.

After lunch, recognition was given to our many 10 plus year volunteers. Ryan presented certificates and a rose to those library volunteers with over 10 years of service. Next, Tammy Ray, FOLK VP presented certificates and a rose to those FOLK volunteers with over 10 years of service. Plus, Tammy recognized Faith Hiller for all she has done for the FOLK Bookstore.  

Next, FOLK President Karen Buchler, made special recognition of Carolyn Humphrey, our past president who has volunteered for so many years and done so much for FOLK. 

Karen Buchler, FOLK President, and Roger Whitney, FOLK Treasurer, chat before the luncheon.

FOLK Board Members (L to R)- Connie Jaeger, Tim Moore and Julie Stanton

Our awe inspiring volunteers socialize with each other inside the Kingwood Community Center.

Christi Whittington (foreground) helps prepare the luncheon meal with Kingwood Branch Library staff (background).

The Kingwood Branch Library staff created this centerpiece using the Glowforge laser cutter inside the library.  The Glowforge may be used by patrons after taking a free training class at the library. See the online calendars located here for availability.

Kingwood Branch Library staff assists with the preparation and service of the luncheon.  Thank you staff!

Volunteers enjoy the luncheon while sharing stories.

Lunch is served!

Volunteers enjoy the luncheon while sharing stories.
