We sell your donations in our FOLK Used Bookstore and our Online Store. The Proceeds Support the Library Programs & Expenses!
What Do We Need?
- 1. Childrens Books
- 2. Fiction: hardcovers and paperbacks
- 3. Non-Fiction
- 4. Cookbooks
- 5. Jigsaw puzzles
- 6. Coffee table Books
- 7. Textbooks
- 8. Technical books
- 9. Sheet Music
- 10. CDs, Audio Books, Blu-Ray discs
- 11. Large Print Books
Donate it ALL! We will determine the value!
Bring your items to the FOLK Used Bookstore at the Kingwood Branch Library. Your donation is Tax Deductible and we can give you a tax form (FOLK is a 501c3 organization).
Any questions, come by the FOLK Bookstore and ask a volunteer!